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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

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Magento: Paypal Standard IPN Double Totals Bug + fix

Untitled 1 Magento: Paypal Standard IPN Double Totals Bug + fix

Does the above look familiar for Paypal Standard Orders, Note the Grand Total and Total Paid…
Running into this issue myself I thought I would post it up to let everyone else know the issue with the Standard Paypal IPN and Magento version  It appears double Order totals are showing up under “Total Paid” and can cause a lot of customer confusion.

Here is the quick temporary fix:

NOTE: This modifies the base code of Magento and recommended you save a backup of the original file, as it may cause issues upgrading later on.
app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Standard.php as follows:

- $invoice->register()->capture();
+ $invoice->register()->pay(); 

The above modification fixed IPN problems but now the Total Paid amount is wrong.

Also the above modification introduced another bug: paid orders are shown as COMPLETE instead of PROCESSING. This can be fixed by changing app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Standard.php as follows:

- Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_COMPLETE, true,
+ Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PROCESSING, $newOrderStatus, 

This change will fix the status problem so that paid orers now appear as PROCESSING.

Source :

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