- Added ability to use static URLs for media in WYSIWYG or image browser. Added ability to enable parsing store, skin and media directives on catalog frontend.
- URL rewrites history: ability to auto-generate custom rewrite with redirect from old to new URL when changing product URL-key
- Added ability to exclude a category from navigation menu
- Various improvements in system configuration UI. Introduced ability to make actual configuration structure to be independent on the system.xml structure
- Added "Only X left" inventory feature
- Implemented Centinel functionality in iphone theme
- Upgraded TinyMCE to v.3.3.2
- Improved PayPal integration, includes:
* Recurring payment profiles entity and purchasing of "subscription" products. In checkout they are treated as "nominal" items.
* Billing agreements
* "Pending Review" order state, "Pending Review" and "Suspected Fraud" order statuses and logic related with this. Triggers by PayPal IPR, FMF and Unilateral payments.
* Functionality of transactions listing/searching and fetching from gateway
* Fetching PayPal settlement reports via SFTP
* Various improvements of PayPal integration on the frontend and admin UI - Added notice about creating offline creditmemo from order view page.
- Added getter for recurring payment methods in payment helper.
- Implemented abstract block ability to have arbitrary groups of child blocks and a method that returns such a group. Implemented a method that fetches data from child block by specified alias.
- Implemented ability to specify "sort_order" instead of "before" and "after" in the totals declaration. All nominal totals declaration utilize "sort_order"
- Added getter for specified object data by key in core/template block: method getObjectData()
- Defined payment methods grouping, implemented getter for payment method list (with option to group them). Added ability to render grouped options in the "select" grid filter.
- Moneybookers: utilized the payment methods grouping for all its methods; removed redundant "translate" attribute in the methods definition in config.
- Utilized payment methods grouping for PayPal peyment methods.
- Added more verbosity to PayPal NVP and IPN debugging
- Sales module database structure changed from EAV into flat tables
- Product custom URL rewrites redirect to SEF URL, rather than to catalog/product/view/id/
- Reimplemented frontend top menu rendering logic (cross-browser and usability improvements)
- Reviewed logic of the sales reports: Orders, Tax, Invoiced, Shipping, Refunds, Coupons
- Reimplemented bestsellers report
- Implemented 3D Secure validation for Maestro International and JCB cards
- Changed Shopping cart methods output (top + bottom): removed
- Moved the Payflow Pro payment method to PayPal module
- Refactored sales/service_quote model: instead of submit() method the submitAll() should be used. It can submit nominal items separately from the order. The methods for submitting nominal items and order separately - are available as well.
- Refactored onepage checkout model to use the new method sales/service_quote::submitAll(), added recurring profiles and billing agreements passing through the process until the success page
- Utilized child blocks grouping to improve flexibility of rendering additional information in catalog/product/view template. The group is called "detailed_info"; any block from layout may insert itself to this group. Removed redundant wrappers hard-coded into some catalog templates. Template of parent block is responsible for wrapping.
- Refactored onepage checkout success block and template: simplified fetching related checkout information, added ability to render billing agreement and recurring profiles that might be created with the payment placement.